Howdy, all.

Following the recent international developments, I've decided that I
want to do more to help spread strong cryptography technology
throughout the world. I've realized that one of the things I could be
doing is teaching courses on cryptography. I'm told I'm a pretty good
instructor, so it would seem to be a good way to leverage my time. If
I build a piece of cryptographic software, I can only devote one man's
worth of effort to it, but if I can teach 100 people how to build
cryptosystems in that time, I'll effectively multiply my personal
leverage, even if only a few of the students end up applying the

The more people we get understanding the technology, the more people
will be incorporating it into our infrastructure, and the more people
will understand why we must stop controls on the distribution of
strong cryptographic systems.

I'm therefore announcing my availability for this purpose, and
soliciting help in finding fora in which I can spread the
knowledge. I'm most interested in doing this in the New York City
area, although I'm happy enough traveling to places (even overseas) to
teach short intensive courses provided I get compensated (since if I
travel I can't see my consulting clients).

If anyone has any contacts or is willing to help me with getting
speaking and teaching gigs of this sort, or otherwise has leads,
please let me know.


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