> www.aus.ras.com, I think.
> Curious.  Two years ago OSF's outside counsel, bright folks at
> Hale&Dorr, advised us that a wholly-owned subsidiary of a US
> company was subject to the US regulations.

I am pretty sure they are. And Australia's DSD (Defence Signals
Directorate, equivalent to the NSA out here) does pretty much whatever the
NSA tells them to do anyway, so I don't think Australia to be particularly
the best place to be staking this new venture. 

Currently, we have the Customs act definitions not including electronic
export such as via the internet as governable, but we also have the Treaty
Obligations Act going up against that, care of Wassenaar.

Turbulent times are coming.

perl -wle '$_ = 1; (1 x $_) !~ /^(11+)\1+$/ && print while $_++'

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