Greetings, all.

I'm trying to get a handle on US law regarding sharing of crypto with 
foreign nationals. Let's say I'm a US citizen residing in the US, have
an interest in strong crypto, and have an acquaintance who is a 
foreign national. How much access can I give my friend to my computer 
and my home office?

I've identified a few dimensions to create scenarios, and a few points
on each dimension.

- An allied nation, eg Canada
- A friendly or neutral nation, eg Finland
- An awkward nation, eg PRC
- A hostile nation, eg Libya

- A friend who comes by to use my computer on occasion
- A roommate who uses my computer regularly
- A girlfriend who sometimes uses my computer
- A live-in girlfriend
- A new spouse who plans to become a US citizen but is currently a 
  foreign national

- I have install disks for the domestic-only versions of commercial 
  apps such as Netscape Communicator
- I have PGP or GPG installed and configured but it does not 
  automatically run for email
- PGP/GPG is always available for email or from the Windows Explorer
- I have the source code for strong crypto in electronic form
- I have source code for strong crypto in treeware
- I have articles and books discussing crypto, possibly with code 
  snippets, in printed or electronic form
- I develop strong crypto, and have code, working papers, and the like 
  available in printed and electronic form

- I am helping my friend become a more proficient computer user by 
  showing the use of "user" apps, which may have built-in strong 
- My friend is already a proficient user and can encrypt or sign a 
  document or mail message
- I am helping my friend become a more proficient programmer and he or 
  she has an interest in crypto
- My friend is already a proficient programmer and can implement 
  strong crypto

Now, since answers to all of the cases is a bit much to ask, here's 
one scenario of particulerest to me: A girlfriend from the PRC;
she's a new programmer and I'm working with her on improving her 
skills; I have _Applied Cryptography_ on the shelf, source code on my 
computer, and PGP installed.

Thankee Kindly,
Steve Furlong

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