At 12:35 PM -0800 1/28/1999, Steve Bellovin said:

   For years, I had heard the story about NSA liking that instruction.
   But I never understood why, until I started working on plaintext
   and independently derived the need for it.  See, for example,

   There are other instruction types that are useful for cryptanalysts.
   The CDC Star had a lovely set of vector operations under masks.  And
   the Harvest add-on to the IBM 7030 (Stretch), described in a book by
   Buchholz ("Planning a Computer System", McGraw-Hill, 1962) was intended
   for NSA as well.

For what it's worth, the same instruction was taken out of the
widely-released versions of the VAX, at the request of the NSA. Allegedly,
there were versions that had the opcode in the machine for that same


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