I just got this message from NIST's Edward Roback. There seems to
    be a possibility that the AES contest could be endangered by
    claims of intellectual property rights on competing algorithms.
    Unfortunately some of the stronger candidates seem to be the less
    enlightened ones in this matter. It is a pity that NIST did not ask
    for a clear statement to that effect before accepting the
    candidates. I suppose there is still time to apply some pressure
    before announcing the algorithms that will make it to the second

Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 16:09:23 -0500
To: <long list>
From: Edward Roback 
Subject: draft Int. property slides

AES Submitters,

You may recall that last year we posed a question to you (on an infomral,
non-binding basis) regarding intellectual property.  There has been
interest in providing a summary of what we found at the upcoming AES #2
conference on March 22-23 during NIST's briefings to the conference.  I
wanted to give each of you a chance to see our draft summary and
characterization of your responses.  Feel free to send me any comments you
may have.


Ed Roback, NIST

draft slide 1:

    Intellectual Property (IP)

Questions have been raised with NIST regarding the possibility that
submitters may claim that their IP is infringed by the practice of another
candidate algorithm.  So, in the spirit of trying to obtain a worldwide
royalty-free algorithm, NIST posed the following question to the 15
submitters (for informal, non-binding response):

Are you willing to waive any IP rights you may have on any party who makes,
uses, or sells implementations of the selected AES algorithm(s) (no matter
which algorithm is selected) ?

draft slide 2:

    Summary of Responses

Unqualified Yes:   CAST-256, Crypton, DEAL,
                   Frog, LOKI97, Rijndael,
                   Serpent, Twofish

Yes, clarified:    Safer+ 

Yes, if:           HPC

Not quite Yes:     E2, MARS, 

No:                RC6

Can’t say:         DFC

No response:       Magenta

---------------- Original text ends here ----------------

Dianelos Georgoudis

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