At 6:25 PM -0700 3/4/99, Anonymous wrote:
>> The basic problem is that chaumian credentials are transferable.
>> People who have no use for them will be able to sell them for a few
>> £s, and domain name speculators will be happy to buy them.  Someone
>> who is willing to speculate $70 each on hundreds of domains can easily
>> afford to buy a few transferable credentials.
>That's a good thing about Anna Lysyanskaya's credential system.  Imagine
>that credentials were widely used in society, with one centralized
>identity registry and each person having dozens of unlinkable pseudonyms
>for different situations.  In her system, to let someone else use one
>of your pseudonyms and credentials, you have to give them your master
>private key.  This gives them access to _all_ your nyms and credentials.
>They could drain your bank account, commit you to harmful contracts,
>and do similar mischief.

I suppose I should really study her credential system, but I don't see how
any system can keep me from buying a domain name, and then give you
effective control over it.  I give you authority to use my secret key for
transactions with regard to that domain name without revealing it to you.
The rest is standard contracting.  The mechanisms could either be automated
or manual.

If such contracts are legal, they can be enforced through the courts.  If
they are illegal, they can be enforced the way drug and Mafia contracts are

Bill Frantz       | Macintosh: Didn't do every-| Periwinkle -- Consulting
(408)356-8506     | thing right, but did know  | 16345 Englewood Ave.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | the century would end.     | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA

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