On the coderpunks list Wei Dai suggested that a MAC based
scheme for unlinkable ecash would not be covered by existing
patents, and then interpreted Wagner's
<http://x9.dejanews.com/getdoc.xp?AN=145097228> scheme as MAC
based, an interpretation others disputed.

So I looked up the patent literature to see what I could see,
and I did not find any patent covering Wagner's proposal 

Wagner's proposal has elements in common with the blind
undeniable signatures patented by Chaum

In particular the blinding steps are identical to those
proposed in claim 9 of the above patent, and the signing step
identical to that proposed in claim 7 of the above patent,
however the above patent does not seem to me to cover
Wagner's method, because the relevant claims say

        7. The method according to claim 3, wherein said
             signing step comprises raising said unsigned
             message to a signing power derived from said
             private key, such exponentiation being performed
             in a finite structure where the inverse of such
             exponents is unknown. 

        8. The method according to claim 1 further including
             the step of: 
                          creating a public key and a
                          corresponding private key, and 
                          distributing them so that the
                          private key is known to said 
                          signing party and the public key
                          but not the private key is known to
                          a checking party. 

        9. The method as in claim 1, further comprising the
             steps of: 
                          blinding said unsigned message
                          responsive to a blinding key before
                          providing the resulting blinded
                          unsigned message to said signing
                          party in place of said unsigned
                          message; and  unblinding said
                          undeniably signed message returned
                          by said signing party responsive to
                          said blinding key. 

Wagner is not using anything resembling the method
according to claim 1 or claim 3, because he does not need to
use undeniable signatures.

So the question I asked on the coderpunks list, and am asking
here, is:

1. Is my interpretation of Chaum's patent reasonable?  (I
interpret it as claiming all possible ways of implementing
undeniable signatures, including those that Chaum never
imagined, rather than claiming all possible uses of signing a
quantity with its exponential, including those that Chaum
never imagined.)

2. Is there some other patent that covers Wagner's method? 

         James A. Donald

We have the right to defend ourselves and our property, because 
of the kind of animals that we are. True law derives from this 
right, not from the arbitrary power of the omnipotent state.

http://www.jim.com/jamesd/      James A. Donald

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