Here in my hands, I have an "Atom-Age" HW RNG device.

Basically it an analog-derived noise source for computers.  Amplifies,
filters and digitizes the random noise generated by a diode junction,
yielding a 19.2K baud RS-232 serial stream of ASCII-encoded hexadecimal
digits, as consecutive four-bit concatenations of the one-bit binary
stream of noise (effective 7840 bps).  

Comes from the factory configured to issue a 64k block on power-up, and
another 64k block every time it gets a character from the serial port.
Can be strapped to issue a constantn stream.

Battery-powered to prevent EMI, new batteries needed in months-years range.  
Has an option to attach 5VDC to power RS-232, which makes battery life 5+ 

Circuit schematic diagram and source code for the on-board MPU are provided 
for analysis.

OEM licenses available,  etc.   Under $200US with the already-mentioned 5VDC
wall wart.

I'll get it hooked up here soon such that y'all can dink at it over the net.
Should be perfect for RNG for linux-ipsec.

I have no connection with them, other than being a happy customer for other
product from the same folk.


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