The following is from RISKS List

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Israeli computer scientist Adi Shamir is expected to present a paper
outlining the design of a yet-to-be-built-machine that could quickly
decipher computer generated codes.  Shamir -- who represents the 'S' in RSA
encryption design -- will present his paper this week at the International
Association for Cryptographic Research in Prague, which begins Monday.
Shamir's idea would combine existing technology into a special task computer
that would make factoring numbers as long as 150 digits much easier.  As a
result, codes accepted as reasonably secure for financial transactions and
government communications would be much easier to decipher.  Researchers say
the machine could be built at a relatively low cost, and that key systems of
512 bits or less (keys of about 140 digits or less) would be vulnerable.
Longer 1,024-bit keys would still be out of reach for Shamir's new machine.
(*The New York Times*, 2 May 1999; Edupage, 3 May 1999)

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