In <v03102805b358fafa1d12@[]>, on 05/07/99 
   at 03:21 PM, Martin Minow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>The appeals court decision, at the web at

>contains source of the core of Bernstein's "Sunffle" program. (Search for
>"Hash512" if you want to see just the naughty bits.)

>Isn't publishing this on a web page what Bernstein wasn't allowed to do
>because of ITAR/EAR?


This reminds me of an AU case a few years back involving their Censorship
Board. IIRC it involved a "book" on shoplifting in which the courts ruled
it's publication was banned. Inadvertently the courts published the book
on the web along with the other documents relating to the case.

William H. Geiger III
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
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Hi Jeff!! :)

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