At 08:34 AM 3/22/99 -0600, Brown, R Ken wrote:
>Probably not news to most of you, but I didn't realise they did this sort of

The basic intent of the system is watermarking, rather than stego in general -
you can hand somebody a paper copy of your document, marked for them,
and if you later encounter a Xerox copy, you know whose original it was.

>"DataGlyph technology allows ordinary business documents to carry thousands
>of characters of information hidden in these unobtrusive gray patterns that
>can appear as backgrounds, shading patterns or conventional graphic design
>elements. Often, their presence will go completely unnoticed. "
>"As a final step, the bytes of data are randomly dispersed across the glyph
>area, so that if any part of the glyph area on the paper is severely
>damaged, the damage to any  individual block of data will be slight, and
>thus easy for the error correcting code to recover. Together, error
>correction and randomization provide very high levels of  reliability, even
>when the glyph area is  impaired by ink marks, staples and other kinds
>ofimage damage."

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