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From: "Subba Rao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 10:25:56 -0400 (EDT)
Priority: Normal
Subject: Hardware Authentication
Reply-To: "Subba Rao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What are the various hardware authentication technologies that are available?

I am particularly interested in server to server authentication. iButton is
one of them
and I can't find any other hardware technologies that authenticate server
to server.
This is important, and will become important, as many service providers
merge to
provide new services.

Any pointers or info is appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Subba Rao
Disclaimer - I question and speak for myself.


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Robert A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Philodox Financial Technology Evangelism <http://www.philodox.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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