An updated agenda for the May 14 meeting in DC of the 
President's Export Council Subcommittee on Encryption 
(PECSENC) has been provided by Lisa Ann Carpenter, 
Committee Liaison Officer (202-482-2583):

 Opening remarks by the new chairman, William Crowell 
 (ex-Deputy DIRNSA)

 Encryption initiatives of the Bureau of Export Administration, 
 by William Reinsch

 Overview of the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (CIAO) 
 by Jeffrey Hunker, Director

 1:30 Presentation by the office of Senator McCain on his crypto bill

 2:00 Report on Congressional activities

 2:30 Presentations on Bernstein by the two sides, Cindy Cohn and 
 Department of Justice

 3:00 Adjourn (cut back from 5:00 as the FR announced)

Also, a list of PECSENC members was promised but has not yet arrived. 
This information is hard to come by so it will be most welcomed. 
Minutes of past meetings and policy recommendations are elusive too. 
See the one public statement:

It's shameful and maybe illegal to hide PECSENC information. Recent 
scutbutt was that acting PECSENC chair Stewart Baker (ex-NSA) was 
going to help John Gilmore set up a public web site for PECSENC 
affairs. That accountability initiative appears to have died with 
Crowell's appointment, or to be fair, is more likely being studied 
to slow death to cozzen natsec grizzes -- which fits NSA's MO to 
SIDA misfit crypto naifs.

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