At 9:51 AM -0500 1999-05-14, William H. Geiger III wrote:
>In <v04003a16b3616b90c22a@[]>, on 05/14/99
>   at 01:20 AM, Jon Callas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >You probably have the preference for "use PGP/MIME by default" turned on.
> >Turn it off. MIME security encodings are a crock, as you well know.
>Wow!! Did I miss something, I never saw this opinion on the IETF lists. :)
>Did you have a change of heart now that you are a free man? :))
>IMHO MIME security encoding are not a bad thing, unfortunatly the vast
>majority of e-mail programs can not properly process complex MIME encoding
>(this is for any type not just security encoding).

I was a bit taken aback by this myself, since Thomas Rosseler and I 
are currently working on a new OpenPGP/MIME draft... would you care 
to elaborate on what makes (all?) MIME encodings with security a 
"crock" before Oslo? Or were you just in a grumpy mood?  ;)


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