~~> From: Jon Callas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
~~>    1. All encrypted or clearsigned messages go out as _attachments_, and
~~>    not as message bodies. This leads to a profusion of files with the
~~>    extension .MSG in the \WINDOWS\TEMP directory. The plugin apparently
~~>    does not delete these files after sending.
~~> You probably have the preference for "use PGP/MIME by default" turned on.
~~> Turn it off. MIME security encodings are a crock, as you well know.

Blaming MIME/PGP encoding for what a crappy O.S. is not able to deal
with seems a bit unfair to me.

~~> With all due respect, (1) is neutral to security. (2) is debatable. I know
~~> that many people have complained that the plugin did *not* include the
~~> .sig. I've found it annoying myself, because my old sig included contact
~~> information and I wanted that signed. I think that (2) is fixing a bug,
~~> myself.

There's enough information in a mail headers, plus you may add more...
if that weren't enough for you, then you may still add a personal sig at
the end of the message.
Digital signatures are for verifying the sender, and they must keep
functional in this line (which I think pgp/mime adds to this


P.D.  using Mutt and GnuPG with no problems whatsoever (under
Valencia - ESPAŅA

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