(sorry but I haven't a scanner, OCR software, and translation
software available, so I will post a very short translation by myself. If
possible I could possibly scan the article later)

In the paper Datateknik (www.datateknik.se) issue 10 1999 there is a
repotage about Swedish goverments & authorities investigating US
espinonage against national and industrial intrests, including echelon and
the UKUSA agreement.

The article states that Swedish UD (Foregin Department) is looking into
the IC2000, "Would security information be abused, it is very serious".
IC2000 states that other countries intrests have been violated by the

"120 satelities are listining to the telecom systems & the internet"

SÄPO, The Swedish Security Police is investigating industrial espionage by
order of the Swedish Goverment. They have however not yet reported
anything close to what's reported in IC2000 (the article does however not
comment upon wheather such reports could have been made secretly)

The report (IC2000) has been made ready by the European parlements
investigating office STOA. It is not known wheather any of EU's goverments
yet have taken any standing point ("tagit ställning", better translation?)
in the issue.


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