I have a more detailed report on Wired News:


My favorite part of the brief (I quote it):

> Another argument: That this type of 
> regulation is an executive-branch policy 
> decision involving "extraordinarily 
> sensitive" info that's too secret to 
> disclose publicly. "Judicial review is 
> particularly unworkable [since] decisions 
> always involve an appraisal of the 
> potential impact of proposed encryption 
> exports on the government's [signals 
> intelligence] and cryptoanalysis 
> capabilities." 

The brief also talks about how the case affects NSA SIGINT capability.


At 07:26 PM 6-21-99 -0400, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>According to the AP, the Justice Department has asked the 9th Circuit Court
>of Appeals to reconsider its decision in the Bernstein case 
>(http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/w/AP-Encryption.html).  The article didn't
>say so, but I assume that they've asked for a rehearing by the full
>court, instead of just a three-judge panel.

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