
suppose we use an ElGamal-variant where we do not need to compute inverses
modulo the group order.  Such variants exists and they are explained in the
Handbook of Cryptography, for instance, let

        G: generator
        a: secret value
        A: public value G^a

and for the signature

        k: secret random value
        R: G^k


        s = a h(m) + k g(R)  mod n              (*)

where h is a hash-function, n is the group order, and g is a (public)
mapping from the elements of the group to Z (the integers).  The signature
is (s, R).

For the verification, check that

        G^s = A^h(m) R^g(R)


Now suppose that the reduction  mod n in (*) is omitted.  Except that the
size of s would be larger, can anybody see whether this would be harmful?


S. Hamdy                                |  All primes are odd except 2,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    |  which is the oddest of all.
unsolicited commercial e-mail           |  D.E. Knuth
is strictly not welcome                 |

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