What is your oppinion on the security of this system. Any obvious


A Massively Parallel Cryptosystem Based on Cellular Automata

Howard Gutowitz ESPCI; Laboratoire d'Electronique 10 rue Vauquelin;
75005 Paris, France [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The DES is an example of an iterated cryptosystem, a cryptosystem in
which a function is applied many times to a message in order to
encrypt it. From the physicists point of view, an iterated
cryptosystem is an example of a dynamical system, a system whose state
evolves over time. Dynamical systems theory encompasses the study of a
wide range of phenomena, chaos being the most well known. Some of
these phenomena have correlates in cryptography, and can be used as
the basis of cryptographic schemes. A certain type of dynamical
system, called cellular automata, are particularly well suited for
cryptographic application.

A cellular automaton is a discrete dynamical system. Space, time, and
the states of the system are discrete. Each point in a regular spatial
lattice, called a cell, can have any one of a finite number of
states. The states of the cells in the lattice are updated according
to a local rule. That is, the state of a cell at a given time depends
only on its own state one time step previously, and the states of its
nearby neighbors at the previous time step. All cells on the lattice
are updated synchronously. Thus the state of the entire lattice
advances in discrete time steps.  Since the update rule is simple,
local, and discrete, it can be executed in easily-constructed
massively-parallel hardware at extraordinary speeds, without round-off

I have developed a cryptosystem, called CA-1.1, which illustrates some
of the principles of encryption with cellular automata. In CA-1.1, a
message is encoed as a state of the system, and various cellular
automaton rules applied to it to produce a new state which is the
ciphertext. To decrypt, the same cellular automaton rules are applied
in reverse order. The cellular automata employed are derived from a
secret key.

CA-1.1 uses both reversive and irreversible cellular automaton
rules. Under a reversible rule, each state of the lattice comes from a
unique predecessor state, while under an irreversible rule, each state
can have many predecessor states.  During encryption, irreversible
rules are iterated backwards in time. To go backward from a given
state, one of the possible predecessor states is selected at
random. This process can be repeated many times. Backward iteration
thus serves to mix random information with the message
information. CA-1.1 uses a particular kind of partially linear
irreversible rule which is such that a random predecessor state for
any given state can be rapidly built. Reversible rules are also used
for some stages of encryption. The reversible rules (simple parallel
permutations on sub-blocks of the state) are fully non-linear, while
the irreversible rules are partially linear. The irreversible rules
are derived entirely from information in the key, while the reversible
rules depend both on key information and on the random information
inserted during the stages of encryption with irreversible rules.

CA-1.1 features an authentication mechanism which renders
chosen-ciphertext attack difficult. This authentication mechanism
ensures that only ciphertext produced by the system loaded with a
given key is decrypted using the same key.

CA-1.1 is built around a block-link structure. That is, the processing
of the message block is partially segregated from the processing of
the stream of random information inserted during encryption. This
random information serves to link stages of encryption together. It
can also be used to chain together the encryption of a stream of
blocks. The information in the link is generated within the encryption
apparatus. It is not accesible even to legitimate users of the system,
hence it is not available for chosen-plaintext attacks.

A detailed explanation of how CA-1.1 works can be found in references
[1,2].  Further details, as well as U.S. licensing information can be
obtained from the author at the above address.


[1] H. Gutowitz, "Method and Apparatus for Encryption, Decryption, and
Authentication using Dynamical Systems", U.S. patent application (100
pg. 1992)

[2] H. Gutowitz, "Cryptography with Dynamical Systems" to appear in:
"Cellular Automata and Cooperative Phenomena", Eds: E. Goles and
N. Boccara, K. Reidel Press (38 pg. 1993)

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