In August a group of people going to the Usenix security conference in
Washington are planning to drive out to the NSA museum the day after the
conference, and I thought that since most of the group are foreigners and have
travelled a long way to be there, we might as well try for a tour of Ft.Meade
as well:

  Public Affairs Office
  National Security Agency/Central Security Service
  9800 Savage Road
  Ft. Meade, MD 20755-6248

  Dear Sir/Madam,

  On the week of 23rd August, security researchers from various backgrounds
  will be attending the 8th Usenix Security Symposium in Washington DC, after
  which a small group of us are going to visit the National Cryptologic Museum
  on Friday 27th.  Although the museum contains a considerable amount of
  interesting material, several of the researchers would be very interested in
  viewing the NSA's computer and research facilities.  Would it be possible for
  you to arrange a tour of your facilities for us along with a demonstration of
  some of the work you do?  Areas of particular interest would be your
  computing facilities and anything related to cryptographic research and

  Peter Gutmann

I'd provided an email address with the letter, and yesterday I got a message
from someone from the NSA Public and Media Affairs office asking me to give her
a call to discuss the visit.  There were various humourous suggestions about
what to ask for (eg "As a long-standing customer(?) of Echelon I'd be
interested in seeing how it's actually run", with a proposed response of "We're
Fedexing you a GPS box.  When it arrives, switch it on and wait").  Anyway, I
gave them a call and asked whether it'd be possible to get a tour of things
like their supercomputer facilities, research sections, or whatnot.
Unfortunately it turns out that this isn't possible: "We're an intelligence
agency, we don't do tours" (I got this on the phone, getting it on NSA
letterhead would have been more fun :-).

Two down (GCSB, NSA), three to go (DSD, GCHQ, CSE).


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