A Tax Break for Snoopable Code
                     by Declan McCullagh 

                     3:00 a.m.  30.Jul.99.PDT
                     WASHINGTON -- If anyone in Washington
                     qualifies as an ardent foe of encryption,
                     it's congressman Porter Goss (R-Florida). 

                     Two years ago, the chairman of the
                     House Intelligence committee tried to
                     make it a crime to distribute
                     privacy-protecting software, such as PGP
                     or recent versions of Netscape Navigator
                     and Internet Explorer. 

                     The plan failed, but Goss didn't give up.
                     On Wednesday, he and the panel's
                     ranking Democrat introduced a bill to
                     jump-start the US market for encryption
                     products with backdoors that would
                     support government surveillance. 

                     [...remainder snipped...]

                     Measure Pushes Federal Net Tax
                     by Declan McCullagh 

                     3:00 a.m.  30.Jul.99.PDT
                     WASHINGTON -- Have you grown used to
           's no-sales-tax book orders?
                     Are you a fan of the cheap price tags at

                     Get ready for sticker shock. 

                     Anyone who orders merchandise online
                     will have to pay a new 5 percent federal
                     tax if a bill introduced in Congress this
                     week becomes law. 

                     [...remainder snipped...]

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