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Date: Sun, 1 Aug 1999 12:10:51 -0400 (EDT)
From: Washington Weekly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IP: Text of Letter from Rep. Bob Barr to Sandy Berger
Reply-To: Washington Weekly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Expressing Concerns About New National Surveillance System

July 28, 1999

The Honorable Samuel R. Berger
National Security Advisor
Old Executive Office Building
Washington, D.C.  20506

IN RE: Fidnet

Dear Mr. Berger:

According to media reports,  the  National  Security  Council  is
coordinating  the  development of a massive computer surveillance
system -- Fidnet --  to  monitor  the  electronic  activities  of
millions of Americans.

While it clearly is appropriate for the government to take  steps
to  protect  its  technological  infrastructure and its computers
from attack, we must not allow fear of those threats to blind  us
to  the need to balance the competing interests of privacy, cost,
law enforcement, and national security.  If the reported decision
process  on this project so far is any indication, you may not be
adequately balancing these interests.  For one thing,  apparently
input  is being sought only from the law enforcement and national
security communities.

I  am  concerned  the  National  Security   Council   is   vastly
underestimating  the  level  of  public  concern about electronic
privacy.   The  Clinton  Administration  has  made  this  mistake
before;  proposing the much-reviled and now discredited Know Your
Customer plan.  Most recently, we witnessed the  Administration's
disdain  for  accountability  and oversight, in its citation of a
bogus attorney-client privilege to avoid giving basic information
to the House Permanent Select Intelligence Committee.

If you intend to move forward with this plan, I  request  a  full
briefing  on its structure, focusing specifically on its cost and
privacy implications.  I look forward to your response.

With kind regards, I am,

very truly yours,


Member of Congress

   Published in the Aug.  2, 1999 issue of The Washington Weekly
   Copyright 1999 The Washington Weekly (http://www.federal.com)
           Reposting permitted with this message intact

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Robert A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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