I think his name was agent Grotz, but I'm
not sure.  Definitely Mr. PR.  When certain
callers complained heavily, and he couldn't
defend himself, he backtracked to the usual
"we have a program for that" or "just call
my office and we'll talk" or "look at our
new core values".

Very bureaucratic of him.

Barbara at the end at least made the
important point about how the FBI's (and
the NSA's) stupid encryption policy has
crippled our infrastructure.

Way to go, Barbara!

Otherwise, far too many right wing nuts
calling in.  One item which I have
complained about in this group and in
Cypherpunks is that, as strongly as some of
you might feel about Waco and Ruby Ridge
and the like, it simply does not help the
cause of encryption freedom to whip out the
jack-booted language any chance you get.

In the public's mind, such inflamatory
statements really cloud the substance behind
the encryption issue, which is already
confusing enough by itself.

Luckily, the FBI is having trouble educating
the public on this topic as well, precisely
because it is so confusing.


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