At 10:08 AM 8/4/99 -0400, D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote:
>I think that this description reflects an inappropriate understanding
>of entropy.  Entropy is in some sense spread throughout the whole
>output of /dev/urandom.  You don't use entropy up, you spread it over
>more and more bytes of output.  This view, of course, depends on
>trusting the hashing/mixing to do what it is supposed to do.

What matters here is not your understanding or my understanding of what
entropy is.  What matters to me is /dev/random's opinion of how much
entropy it has on hand.  Reads from /dev/urandom deplete this quantity,
byte for byte, so that heavy demands on /dev/urandom cause blockage of any
processes that make any use of /dev/random.  I renew my assertion that this
constitutes, shall we say, an opportunity for improvement.

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