
Here is a quick translation of the text.
Words that are in "quotes" are words i couldn't find a better translation for.

Here it is:

> Best Michael,
> Thank you for your letter. I hope that i can answer your questions about
> the export rules for cryptografy products.
> Sweden sees it just as the 32 other countries of the Wassenaar-arrangement, that
> all decisions are made with consensus, that there is reason to try controlling the
> spread of strong crypto to unfitting recipients. This is a line in an international
> Policy to controll the trade with products that can have a military destabilising
> effect. Along with cryptography many other products are controlled that in the wrong

> hands could be used by terrorists or used for a military purpose.
> I'd like to point out that export controll of neither before or after the
> latest Wassenaar-negotiations, mean that there is an export ban.
> The result of the latest Wassenaar-negotiations that was enabled on the 19th
> of april mean, among other things, that much of the earlier that was controlled
> now is free. Among other things export control of cryptoproducts with up to 56
> bit keylenght, cryptotechniqes for personal use beeing brought when travelling
> abroad and for certain telecommunications producs. All other technology for mass-
> market use is controlled from 64 bit keylenght. Also, Within the Europeean
> Union, massmarket products, no matter the strenght, or regardless of hardware
> or software implementation, by the free movement of the inner market.
> We have no restrictions when it comes to import or your use of cryptografy within
> Sweden to protect your privacy. I'd rather recommend increased use of cryptografy
> to protect sensitive information. I can't se that Swedens export controll would
> make your possibilities difficult to use strong encryption. It is probably
> the participitation in Wassenaar that eases the access in Sweden on such
> From other signing countries, The Unites States for an example.
> When it comes to export controll, and what it means to swedish software companies
> we are fully aware that the controll mean increased administration and increased
> costs for swedish softwarecompanies, as in the same way as for other types of
> companies who are controlled by the same reason. The same thing applies for
> companies in other Wassenaar-countries.
> Sweden today, have a software industry which is getting along well amongst the
> international competition, and we are jeed ti se it develop. We are therefore
> trying in all ways make it better and Facillitate the administration around the
> license applications to decrease the costs that turn up. I'd also like to point
> out that we, as well as the ISP, The Inspection for Strategic Producs who govern
> the controll are open for all ideas on how to make the export controll more
> efficient and better. If we succeed better than other countries our companies
> service degree towards it's customers will increase and the cost for administration
> will be lowered in comparison to their competition in other Wassenaar-countries.
> In that purpose ISP have started a "trialproject" which means that details
> in license errands will be sent electronically and in an encrypted state.
> By this, the process time have been reduced and security have been increased.
> We see it that it would be of great value for companies to electronically and
> with good secrecy to be able to apply for an exportlicense and in the same way
> be able to recieve an answer. The government is currently evaluating the
> posibillities to expand the testingproject for the electronic licensing.
> Further more, i'd like to mention that the government at the 23'rd of june decided
> to give ISP rights from and including the 1st of august to give out general rules
> about exportapproval for example cryptoproducts.
> This means that companies who export cryptoproducts to the mass market doesn't
> have to apply for an export approval to countries who are included by such open
> generall states. I'm counting on that the most important customer countries will
> be included by this.
> I hope you understand that the export control is not intendet to stop swedish
> citisens posibillities to protect their privacy and that we are working to
> ease the influence on swedish exportcompanies costs.
> Best regards,
> Leif Pagrotsky

It's intresting to see them write a long letter, to me they said:

"Jag ser för huvudtaget inga skäl för exportförbud för kryptering. Den kan förvisso
 ha militära applikationer men används i huvudsak civilt . Vi agerar f n i enlighet
 med detta."

(Translated by me)
"We cannot see a reason to ban export of cryptography. yes, It can be used for
 millitary purposes but it's mainly used for civillian applications. We are currently
 acting accordingly to this"

Now if you all excuse me, i got to go home and polish the Swedish national flag :o)


Amater cryptographer
and Software developer.

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