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Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 13:47:19 -0400 (EDT)
From: Christof Paar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: WPI Crypto Seminar: ;
Subject: EE578/CS578, Cryptography and Data Security
Reply-To: Christof Paar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Below is a description of EE578/CS578, Cryptography and Data Security.
First day of class is Monday, September 13. For registration information
for our graduate courses, please contact WPI's Graduate Admission office

NEW: In the Spring 2000 Semester, we will for the first time offer the
class "EE579S, Computer Security". The class will be taught be Dr. Richard
Stanley from GTE Labs. Although EE578 is NOT a prerequisite it is

EE579R, Advanced Topics in Cryptography, will be offered in the Spring
2001 semester.

Regards, Christof

                  Christof Paar,  Assistant Professor
           Cryptography and Information Security (CRIS) Group
       ECE Dept., WPI, 100 Institute Rd., Worcester, MA 01609, USA
fon: (508) 831 5061    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fax: (508) 831 5491    www:   http://ee.wpi.edu/People/faculty/cxp.html

                      EE 578/CS 578
               Cryptography and Data Security
                      Fall 1999, WPI

When:       Monday, 6:00-8:50 pm
Where:      Atwater Kent, room 219
Instructor: Prof. Christof Paar
             email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                Goals and Prerequisites

The course gives a comprehensive introduction into the field of
cryptology. We will cover the theoretical aspects as well as
practical ones. The mathematical background will be developed
throughout the course as needed. The specific learning goals of the
course are:

* Broad overview over the field of cryptography.

* Understanding of the theory of the most important private and
   public key schemes.

* Learning about current security estimations of important algorithms.

* Introduction to security services and key distribution protocols.

* Capability to design a crypto protocol for a given application and
   assess its security.

* Learning about soft and hardware implementation issues and the
   trade-offs involved.

There are no formal prerequisites, except that students are expected
to have a working knowledge of the C programming language. C will be
needed for some of the homework assignments. If you do not have the
background, please consult immediately with me.


Week 1
Introduction: Principals of cryptography; Classical algorithms;
Attacks on cryptographic systems.

Week 2
Stream ciphers and pseudo-random generators. One-time pads. Some
information theoretical results on cryptography.

Week 3
Private key cryptography: Data Encryption Standard (DES), Function,
performance, implementation, security. Overview on other modern block
ciphers. Key length and long-term security.

Week 4
Private key cryptography: Operation modes of block ciphers. Multiple
encryption. Key whitening.

Week 5
Introduction to public-key cryptography. One-way functions. Some number
theory: Euclid's algorithm, Euler's Phi function.

Week 6
Public key cryptography: RSA, Function, performance, implementation,
security. Recent results on successful attacks on RSA.

Week 7
Midterm exam.

Week 8
Public key cryptography: The generalized discrete logarithm problem.
Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol.

Week 9
Elliptic curve systems, function and security.
ElGamal encryption schemes.

Week 10
Digital Signatures: The ElGamal and the RSA signature scheme. Message
Authentication Codes (MACs).

Week 11
Hash functions: Principals; Important algorithms; Birthday attack.
Protocols: Privacy, authentication, integrity, non-repudiation.

Week 12
Protocols: Key distribution, key agreement, key derivation; Private-key vs.
public-key approaches; certificates.

Week 13
Certificates. Identification schemes: Challenge-and-response protocols.
Week 14
Final exam

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Robert A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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