At 11:06 PM -0700 8/21/99, Martin Minow wrote:
>At 2:39 PM -0700 8/21/99, David Honig wrote:
>>In the Aug 16 '99 EETimes, there are several articles
>>about software radios.  These have analog front ends,
>>and after down-conversion are digital.  This lets you
>>deal with complex back-compatability/protocol/DSP improvement/legal issues
>The September issue of the amateur radio magazine, QST,
>has the circuit diagram and construction details for a
>2 meter (144 Mhz) transceiver (receiver and transmitter).
>The software for the DSP and radio control, source included,
>is promised for the October issue.

There is another angle to this story that relates to cryptography. 
While the FCC may need to try to regulate transmitters to prevent 
interference, the main reason they regulate receivers is to prevent 
public demand for encrypted cell phones.  Congress mandated this and 
is considering tighter restrictions.  (Yeah, the FCC also wants to 
make sure the receiver local oscillator doesn't radiate too much, but 
that is a minor issue).

Arnold Reinhold

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