On Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 06:55:20PM +0100, Antonomasia wrote:
> I have tested that samba and cfs under linux will work together,
> i.e. you serve plaintext across the net and it's magnetic home is
> as cyphertext where CFS directories have been made.  It's the cyphertext
> that you get backed up on tape.

Have you tried restoring from backup to make sure that it works?

I'm under the impression that CFS uses inode numbers to compute an
IV. If you restore the ciphertext from backups the inode numbers will
probably be different and the files will not decrypt properly.

Try this: copy a CFS ciphertext file from one ciphertext directory to
another. Then attempt to read the plaintext of the new file. The
filename and length are correct but the contents are corrupt. If you
use ln instead of cp the file will read correctly, because the inode
number is still the same.

> I have not tried soft RAID and how it might interact with the above.

It should not be a problem. CFS doesn't really care how the ciphertext
is stored as long as the inode numbers don't change.

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