Bill Frantz wrote:
> At 9:56 AM -0700 9/14/99, Robert Hettinga forwarded:
> >Source:  New York Times
> >
> >
> >September 14, 1999
> >
> >
> >Administration Plans to Loosen Encryption Restrictions
> >
> >In June, the President's Export Council Subcommittee on Encryption sent
> >the White House a report recommending the Administration loosen its
> >restrictions on encryption technology to allow for the export of consumer
> >products based on a 128-bit key. That is significantly stronger than the
> >current limit on encryption products exempt from control.
> My reading said that while you could export 128 bit encryption, you were
> still limited to 512 bit discrete log/RSA for key agreement.  With that
> restriction, only spies, drug dealers, and others who can exchange keys via
> physical means can have strong encryption.

Don't the current rules allow 1024 bits? (Which makes me think the NSA
know something about factoring that we don't).




"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
     - Indira Gandhi

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