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Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 16:44:49 +0300
Subject: Re: Micro Payments BOF in the next IETF (Nov 99, Wash DC)

This is a reminder (see note below) that we plan to have a Micro 
Payments BOF in
the next IETF. Please let me know if you are interested in presenting;
preference will be given to presentations on the following topics:
    Goals of (micro)payment standardization activity in the IETF
    Reports on implementations of the W3C Micropayments Markup spec
    Reports on open designs which are proposed as basis for potential IETF

In particular, I plan to present release 1.3 of IBM Micro Payments, which will
implement W3C Micropayments Markup spec (I'll provide the details to make it
very easy for others to interoperate), as well as open design. On that regard,
I'll describe in details the APIs to allow integration (e.g. OEM) with wallet
UI, merchant server, and legacy billing systems. I also plan to describe the
protocols, although I can't promise to have them in Internet-Draft level of
details (to allow interoperability); we'll do the effort of creating this level
of documentation if there is sufficient interest by others (to implement etc.).

As according to IETF regulations, proposals should describe in advance any
intellectual property they believe somebody may own covering their proposals.
(We believe the only patents or IPR on our design are the classical public key

Please forward this note to potential interested parties.

Best Regards,
Amir Herzberg
Manager, E-Business and Security Technologies
IBM Research - Haifa Lab (Tel Aviv Office)
New Lotus notes mail: amir herzberg/haifa/ibm@IBMIL

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 29/08/99 10:36:30

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   Jeffrey Schiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:   Keith Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Patrik Faltstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jeffrey
       Schiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Marcus Leech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, mpay
       markup@IBMIL, micropay@IBMIL, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bcc: Amir
Subject:  Micro Payments BOF in the next IETF (Nov 99, Wash DC)

Jeff, thanks. Please let me know the slot we got when assigned and I'll
inform the community. For allocation purposes I assume a 2-hour slot unless
will inform us otherwise.

All: as noted below, Jeff Schiller, Security AD in the IETF, and the IESG,
have agreed to hold a micropayments BOF in the next IETF (Nov. 99 in Wash.
DC). The goals of the BOF are:

    Report on the W3C `Micro Payments Markup` recommendation which just
    entered `last call`. This is the result of the work of the MicroPayments
    working group of the W3C (chaired by Mark Manasses from Compaq and
    myself). Please notice the last call period will end earlier (I believe
    Sept. 30) so people who wish to comment on it are encouraged to do so
    using the (open to public) comment mailing list. The draft itself and
    other details are available in the W3C web site, www.w3c.org. In the
    traditional IETF spirit, reports on implementations (of the
    recommendation) would be encouraged.
    Explore whether there is need and sufficient interest to define an
    interoperable payment protocol suitable (at least) for micropayments,
    and if so, decide on the best means (most likely a request for new IETF
    WG). To this discussion, presentations by developers as well as
    customers and others of opinion are solicited. Please notice that the
    IESG has _not_ discussed or approved yet the creation of such a working
    group (neither was a request made yet).
    If time remains, short reports of developers of micropayment products
    may be presented, with the hope that this will eventually lead to more
    openness, cooperation and interoperability.

Please notice there is already a mailing list dedicated to this potential
standardization activity, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please use this list to
comment on the BOF or for relevant discussions even before the physical
BOF. These headers explain everything:

    List-Subscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    List-Unubscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    List-Digest: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

However, I suggest that proposals for presentations in the BOF be sent to
me and I'll coordinate it (unless Jeff wants somebody else to do it).

A related note: we try to maintain an updated list of _all_ resources,
vendors, consultants, researches, and others in the `micropayments
community`, we call this the `sub-$ registry` and it is a link off our IBM
Micro Payments homepage http://www.hrl.il.ibm.com/mpay (don't have exact
link now - I'm offline - but it's easy to find). Please let me know if you
need to be added or have better details than what we got now...

Best Regards,
Amir Herzberg
Manager, E-Business and Security Technologies
IBM Research - Haifa Lab (Tel Aviv Office)
New Lotus notes mail: amir herzberg/haifa/ibm@IBMIL

Jeffrey Schiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 26/08/99 19:32:06

Please respond to Jeffrey Schiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:   Amir Herzberg/Haifa/IBM@IBMIL
cc:   Keith Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Patrik Faltstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
       Jeffrey Schiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Marcus Leech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, mpay
Subject:  Re: Request for a Micro Payments BOF in the next IETF (Nov 99,
       Wash DC)

We discussed this on the IESG telechat this morning and we agreed that
we will host this BOF in the security area. This is not a commitment
on the part of the IETF to necessarily form a working group. However a
BOF makes good sense at this time.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 8/25/99, 3:14:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding
Request for a Micro Payments BOF in the next IETF (Nov 99, Wash DC):

> Dear all,

> I'm chairing the W3C Working Group on Micro Payments. We now move to
> call` a recommendation on Micro Payments markup. There is also
> among the W3C WG participants and others, to proceed to define an
> interoperable protocol. Would you agree to allocate a BOF slot at the
> IETF for us to report on our results and to gauge the level of
interest in
> such follow-up work for interoperable payment protocol? If there will
> interest, we'll see where this activity belongs - possibly another
> cooperation.

> Best Regards,
> Amir Herzberg
> Manager, E-Business and Security Technologies
> IBM Research - Haifa Lab (Tel Aviv Office)
> http://www.hrl.il.ibm.com
> New e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> New Lotus notes mail: amir herzberg/haifa/ibm@IBMIL

--- end forwarded text

Robert A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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