Declan asks, in his Wired News article at

>Why did the Clinton administration cave on crypto?

I don't understand that they caved on crypto. They've made it easier
for commercial products to include crypto, yes. But there are still
controls, restrictions. And I worry that those restrictions are worst
for free software, the very soul of the net.

"Government review" always seems to translate into "expensive length
processing involving lawyers". Will I be able to export end to end
encryption for my PhD research on distributed systems? Can I post ssh
on my US home page now? Will RedHat include ssh? Can we put IPSEC into
the official Linux kernel distributions? 

Those are the things that matter to me, not if Microsoft can
distribute commercial cryptography. Most of the big US companies are
already compromised by years of shady agreements with the NSA. I'm
more willing to trust free software.

                                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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