I think we should take Deputy Secretary of Defense John Hambre at his 
word (from the White House briefing):

"MR. HAMRE: ... The national security establishment -- the Department 
of Defense, the intelligence community -- strongly supports this 
strategy. Indeed, we created the first draft of the strategy and 
presented it to our colleagues in the interagency process. We in the 
Defense Department did it because I think we feel the problem more 
intensively than does anyone else in the United States. We are the 
largest-single entity that operates in cyberspace. No one is as large 
as we are. We are just as vulnerable in cyberspace as is anybody, and 
we strongly need the sorts of protections that come with strong 
encryption and a key infrastructure that we're calling for in this 

I suspect his security experts realized that export controls were 
ineffective in keeping crypto out of the hands of bad guys and that 
the DOD was suffering because the commercial products on which it 
depends lack strong security.

Arnold Reinhold

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