At 15:20 23/09/1999 , Ed Gerck wrote:

>Did any of you see this
>that proposes to authenticate the voter by asking for his/her/its SSN#? 
>And, by the
>contents of ... an email msg sent to him/her/it?

What about the privacy issues here?

Is this not collecting a substantial database
of Name & SSN details?

Would this not be the ideal start for a widespread
project of identity theft?

(I can't believe people are still using SSNs for
this sort of stuff. Have no lessons be learnt?

Browse almost any issue of RISKS digest for
examples of SSN misuse.)


James Robertson
Step Two Designs Pty Ltd
SGML, XML & HTML Consultancy

"Beyond the Idea"
  ACN 081 019 623

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