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Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 18:22:33 +0300
Subject: IBM Micro Payments Version 1.3 to be released October 99

Apologies for any multiple-posting of this note...

Release 1.3 of IBM Micro Payments will be available next month, October 1999
(manuals etc. as well as software will be at http://www.hrl.il.ibm.com/mpay).
This is a dramatic improvement over previous releases and some of the main new
features are listed below. We are looking for payment system providers (billing
systems) to deploy this release, which will allow all of them to easily
interoperate (with multiple currencies). Please forward this notice 
to potential
providers as well as web-integrators and OEM software providers, since the
maximization of providers will make it easier to reach global availability.
We'll be happy to help. Typical providers include banks, telcos, 
ISPs, financial
processors, credit cards, and portals.

New features in version 1.3 include:

Substantial re-write for improved reliability, efficiency and scalability
Wallet download of about 300KB (see notice below)
Time-based payments (for selling videos, chat rooms etc.)
Wallet can receive money (or `miles`) from site (for reading ads, 
visiting site,
buying, gambling)
Implements the W3C Micro Payment Markup spec
Improved multicurrency support (incl. Euro)
Improved server APIs (as DLLs, any develompent environment OK)
Improved server management (e.g. user groups)
Open client APIs:
      1. Can replace wallet UI (e.g. integrate with SET wallet)
      2. Allow other applications to charge micropayments (office appl., games,
fax, phone, ...)
Flexible per-fee-link appearance (font, background etc)
Non-obstrusive per-fee-link  - a  per-fee-link becomes a regular link (to
download area) for a browser without the wallet (plug-in) - can add
per-fee-links to `regular` web pages
Account opening using SSL authentication (optional)
Pre-certified payment option

Important notice: IBM Micro Payments version 1.3 requires a client 
wallet (which
is fully functional although only 300KB). We are aware, that many people are
attracted to solutions without client wallet (i.e. with server wallets). Server
wallets are not as client wallets, as they are more expensive to operate
(defeating the `low overhead` goal), less secure and less convinient. However,
they are better when `on the road` and necessary for non-supported client
platforms; and anyway, even if we disagree, clearly many like them. So, we have
designed support for server wallets as well, which will be available as of next
release (year end or early 2000). We will provide a toolkit to allow existing
wallet servers to interoperate, i.e. allow their buyers to buy at any IBM Micro
Payments merchant.

We are also soliciting requirements for next release (1.4 - or maybe we'll make
it 2, actually, we think IBM Micro Payments 2 or in short MP/2 sound 
very IBMish
:-). Some of the requirements we are considering are:

Integration with e-check for business to business payments (not micro...)
Server-based wallet support (see above)
Interfaces to allow payment service providers to offer completely anonymous
Advanced (built-in) gambling support
Merchant mall (allowing operation of multiple merchants from one server; notice
this can already be built as an application over our existing APIs, so we may
just do it for you in next version...)
Consumer to consumer payments

We appreciate your feedback, suggestions and comments. Please be considerate to
fellow list members and respond directly or on the appropriate list only.

Best Regards,
Amir Herzberg
Manager, E-Business and Security Technologies
IBM Research Lab in Haifa (Tel Aviv Office)
New Lotus notes mail: amir herzberg/haifa/ibm@IBMIL

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Robert A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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