Keith Dawson[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] writes:
>Sent:  Thursday, September 30, 1999 9:00 AM
>Subject:       Rumor of a working quantum computer

>Anyone heard word on this rumor? The Sunday Times story claims
>that a European Institute of Quantum Computing Network has been
>hastily formed to develop commercial banking codes based on
>quantum entanglement.

>  The institute was founded a few weeks after news leaked from
>  the Israel's Weizmann Institute that it was using a mixture of
>  quantum computing and special optical technology to break
>  the RSA-512 code, the system used by the European banking
>  system. It claims it has developed a hand-held device that
>  can break the code in 12 microseconds.

>The "special optical technology" sure sounds like someone has
>implemented Shamir's TWINKLE already.

>[TWINKLE I can believe. Quantum computers sound fishy. --Perry]
>Is there any truth to this?

The short answer seems to be 'No.'

Venerable as the Times of London is, I've found the
fact-checking at the Sunday Times to be wanting on
occasion. While is a real web site, it is
curiously content free - the only contact points listed
are email addresses in other domains, and the only
'meat' in terms of quantum research lie in pointers to
other sites, none of which mention a working quantum
computer. It's particularly interesting that the EIQC
site mentions nothing about the Weizmann Institute's
purported use of quantum and optical methods to quickly 
crack RSA-512, since that is the alleged reason for it 
was created.
The only paper directly referenced is TWINKLE, and that's 
refered to at, rather than WPI (where the paper
was presented), or Technion U. (where the research was

I asked Bob Silverman, the Senior Research Scientest
and factoring expert here at RSA Security, about
this, and his opinion was that the EIQC and the claims
for a working quantum computer were almost certainly a

I think the Times got snookered on this one.

Peter Trei

Disclaimer: The above represents my (and Bob's)
personal opinions only, and should not be
construed as neccesarily representing those of
our employer.

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