He Digs 'Through' Gov't Muck
                     by Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

                     12:30 p.m.  1.Oct.99.PDT
                     Ask John Young what puts a grin on his
                     face and he'll give you a ready response:
                     Unearthing government documents, the
                     more obscure the better. 

                     Over the last three years, Young has
                     compiled what is probably the world's
                     most extensive public collection of over
                     4,000 files about privacy and technology,
                     often related to encryption and free
                     speech, and always of interest to the
                     thousands of visitors who frequent
            every day. 

                     Young, an accomplished 63-year-old New
                     York City architect who has taught at
                     Columbia University, views his Web site
                     both as a service to the Internet public
                     and an experiment in information design
                     and collection. 

                     When Young phones government
                     agencies to ask them for electronic
                     copies of documents for his collection, to
                     submit freedom of information act
                     requests, or to pore through the
                     labyrinthine Federal Register each morning
                     (on Tuesday he found the FCC's new
                     wiretapping rules), he's acting just like a
                     journalist. But he doesn't consider himself


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