At 00:03 10/13/1999 -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>I thought this forward from "Interesting People" would be of interest


This followup might be relevant too. Has the FBI ever publicly weighed in
on an IETF debate before? Are there any implications here in other areas,
such as taxes, content, or encryption?


                     Net Wiretapping: Yes or No?
                     by Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

                     10:30 a.m. 13.Oct.99.PDT
                     The FBI says the Internet's standards
                     body should craft technology to facilitate
                     lawful government surveillance. 

                     A spokesman said Wednesday that the
                     bureau supported the Internet
                     Engineering Task Force's recent decision
                     to debate whether the ability to wiretap
                     should be part of future Internet
                     "We think it's a wise and prudent move,"
                     said Barry Smith, supervisory special
                     agent in the FBI's Digital Telephony and
                     Encryption policy unit. 

                     "If court-authorized wiretaps are
                     frustrated, effective law enforcement is
                     jeopardized, public safety is jeopardized,
                     and policymakers are going to have to
                     figure out how to rectify the problem." 


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