Julian Assange writes:
 >      Simon as extended by Brassard and H{\o}yer shows that there are
 >      tasks on which quantum machines are exponentially faster than
 >      each classical machine infinitely often. The present paper shows
 >      that there are tasks on which quantum machines are exponentially
 >      faster than each classical machine almost everywhere.

Okay, then can I ask a silly question (I prefer to contribute good
answers, but in this case hopefully the question is good enough)?  If
quantum computers make brute-force cryptanalysis tasks easier, don't
they also make brute-force cryptographic tasks easier as well?  Put
another way, is there something special about quantum computers that
is different from Intel's next process shrink?  That is, apart from
the havoc it plays with key lifetime expectations?

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://russnelson.com
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