----- Forwarded message from Greg Broiles -----

Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:13:53 -0700
From: Greg Broiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: BXA

It appears that this may no longer be correct. John Young has made
available on his website a document
<http://cryptome.org/bernstein-mot.htm> filed by the US Government with
respect to the en banc rehearing of the Ninth Circuit's decision in the
_Bernstein_ case. In short, the US Government is asking the court to
postpone oral argument in the case until the US Government has revealed
the new regulations, promised for release on December 15 1999.

----- End of forwarded message from Greg Broiles -----

Which shouldn't be relevant since his rights were impacted under the *old*
law. Even if the new regulations do permit unlimited export of crypto then
he'd still have a reason to push the case.

           The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full
           of passionate intensity.

                                               W.B. Yeats

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