We offer the first two transciptions of NSA FOIA-released
TEMPEST-related information:

NSTISSAM TEMPEST/1-92 - Compromising Emanations 
Laboratory Test Requirements, Electromagnetics - Appendix A:


NSA/CSS Regulation 90-5, Technical Security Program


And our letter of FOIA appeal with invitation for letters of support:


Recall that executive orders and legislation urge declassification
of information when public interest outweighs continued
classification. Our letter of appeal is based on this and states
the case for declassification as we see it. Letters in support
of declassification would demonstrate public interest in
TEMPEST-related information.

We link the justification for release of the information to the 
burgeoning global digital intrusion industry, the rise of
economic espionage, the need for public awareness of the 
threat, and the need for trustworthy standards and means
for protection of privacy and confidentiality -- as with encryption.

We argue that public trust in government and institutions are
are stake, and that social stability and national security will
be enhanced by release of TEMPEST-related information --
as with encryption.

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