At 08:21 AM 10/25/1999 -0400, Marcus J. Ranum wrote:
>>>including use of the Internet, encrypted telephones, and cloned cellular
>They don't say what "encrypted telephones" mean, either. Remember,
>these are the same guys who try to tell people that spread spectrum
>is "encryption" or at least "secure."

Remember that GSM phones and US digital cellphones support encryption.
All broken, of course, but it _is_ encryption.
In some countries the PTT turns off GSM encryption or forces use of A5/2.  
In the US, the different cellphone standards support different crypto,
and some cell companies or cell sites don't use it.

>I'll bet $100 to a $1 that if there was a way to find out, we'd
>find out that the "encrypted telephones" in use in the case in
>question were not "encryption" as most of the members of this
>list understand it. Is there enough information in Mr. Marshall's
>description to be able to associate the FUD with a case and then
>find out what kind of evidence they present?

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