On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 02:40:04AM -0000, lcs Mixmaster Remailer wrote:
| > The traffic shaping code has issues, in V1 it will be turned off.
| > Incidentally, the whitepaper you're looking at is close to retirement,
| > a newer, more accurate one will be out shortly.  In addition, we'll be
| > releasing our security analysis, which includes all of this, at about
| > the same time.
| Votehere.net was raked over the coals for similar admissions of inaccurate
| website documents and promises of improved versions in the future.
| Will ZKS receive equal treatment?

Sure seems that way. :)

| The information that "traffic shaping" (link padding?) will be
| turned off in the initial release is especially disappointing.
| Without this technology Freedom provides little more privacy than
| anonymizer.com, or one of the hundreds of free web proxies listed at
| http://www.ijs.co.nz/proxies.htm and http://proxys4all.cgi.net/.

This is incorrect.

Any of those proxies offer a 'one warrant' model for betraying you.
If you leave reply blocks off, Freedom requires three warrants,
possibly in different jurisdictions.  In addition, anyone* can verify
what logs we create on the system, which is not the case with most of
those proxy systems.

*Anyone meaning anyone who gets the server operator package.  I'll
claim that in this small instance, opening our source doesn't matter,
since whats really relevant is the actual logging to disk (or net),
not what we do internally.

We will be publishing or opening our source code to outside
inspection.  I'm not going to attach a timeline to this. and we're
currently having an internal discussion about various implications of
the decision, including things like the need to take bugfixes and
patches from the outside, the possibility of forks, etc.


| No doubt the same cypherpunks who make excuses for ZKS's lack of open
| source because of potential protocol instability (when they are already
| issuing Release Candidate versions!) will explain why the absence of
| link padding is nothing to worry about.  It will be interesting to see
| how long ZKS continues to get a free pass from cypherpunks.

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