Claymore Systems, Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of
PureTLS 0.9b1. PureTLS is a free pure Java implementation of TLS and
SSLv3. This is the first Beta release of PureTLS. Some bugs
have been fixed since Alpha 2, but there are certainly still bugs.

This version makes a number of changes from Alpha 2, including
fixing a serious security problem. If you're using Alpha 2,
please upgrade.

This is the first release of Claymore's GoNative Provider.
The GoNative Provider is a JNI-based bridge between JCE and OpenSSL.
GoNative Provider allows you to accelerate JCE-base crypto
applications easily. PureTLS will automatically use the GoNative
Provider if it is present.

We expect to produce Final-quality versions of PureTLS and the
GoNative Provider by Q1 2000, but to do that we need people
to try them and send us bug reports.

PureTLS and the GoNative Provider are released under a BSD-style
license. Quite simply, we feel that good security should be a
commodity, and this is our contribution to that end.

An unpleasant security hole in the DH code has been fixed. Due
to a typo (a missing ! if you must know), the DH parameter p
was a large composite, not a large prime. This has been fixed
in Beta 1. You'll notice that DH parameter generation is much slower
now. This is because randomly generated numbers are much more likely to
be composite than prime. This is only a security problem if you're
using PureTLS as a server in DH mode. If you use it as a client
or in RSA mode you should be fine.

Dynamic provider loading:
You no longer need to edit your file to add various
providers. Merely call LoadProviders.init() to automatically
load all relevant providers.

A number of performance improvements:
PureTLS now contains support for Claymore's GoNative Provider.
GoNative Provider uses JNI as a bridge to OpenSSL to provide
fast implementations of cryptographic primitive. If you use
dynamic provider loading, PureTLS will automatically detect
the presence of GoNative Provider and use it if possible.

You can now load DH Parameters of disk using
SSLContext.loadDHParams(). This is much faster than generating them
ever was. You can generate a set of parameters usng
SSLContext.saveDHParams(). saveDHParams() also allows you to
generate Sophie-Germain primes if you're really paranoid. 
The automatic DH prime generation does not because S-G prime
generation is unbelievably slow in java. The DH parameters
file included with the distribution (dh1024.pem) was generated
by OpenSSL's parameter generator, which generates S-G primes.

You can now use a permanent random file. This allows you to skip
the expensive RNG seeding stage. See SSLContext.useRandomnessFile();

Other assorted bug fixes.

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