Sunday December 05 04:30 PM EST
Privacy group sues NSA over spy net
Robert Lemos, ZDNet

Americans could learn more about the degree to which the secretive National 
Security Agency -- the government body charged with cracking codes and 
protecting critical information -- has been spying on U.S. citizens, if a 
suit filed on Friday by the Electronics Privacy Information Center garners 

"The charter of the National Security Agency does not authorize domestic 
intelligence gathering," said Marc Rotenberg, director of EPIC, in a 
statement on Friday. "Yet we have reason to believe that the NSA is engaged 
in the indiscriminate acquisition and interception of domestic 
communications taking place all over the Internet."

The questions arose from reports to the European Union last year that the 
United Kingdom and Australia, among other countries, had cooperated with 
the United States to collect electronic communications across national 
borders. In the report, the spy network was dubbed "Echelon."

"We are concerned less with Echelon in particular and more with the NSA's 
eavesdropping practices in particular," said David Sobel, general counsel 
for EPIC.

'Interesting questions'

On Friday, EPIC filed a suit in federal court to free up documents 
regarding the legal justification for any surveillance that NSA had 
performed regarding U.S. citizens. These same documents were requested 
earlier this year by the House Intelligence Subcommittee, but the NSA 
refused to provide them.

"There are a lot of interesting questions about the NSA's activity, and it 
raised a few eyebrows when they stonewalled the House subcommittee," said 

In early June, EPIC filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the 
NSA, asking for the same documents requested by the House subcommittee, and 
the NSA replied that it would provide the documents by Oct. 30.

The court filing comes after the NSA missed that deadline. The NSA has 30 
days to respond to the court filing.

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