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Subject: [SFBCA] Cypherpunks MEETING PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT for 15 Jan 2000

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Join us for the first Cypherpunks meeting of the new millennium!

NEXT Meeting: <http://www.freedomfighter.net/cypherpunks/2000/0115.html>
Meeting Page: <http://www.freedomfighter.net/cypherpunks/physical.html>

SF Bay Area Cypherpunks (80th Chairborne Regiment)


The January 2000 SF Bay Cypherpunks meeting will be on January 15th! 

General Info: 

 For those of you who plan ahead: the January 2000 cypherpunks
 physical meeting will be on January 15th, the THIRD SATURDAY of
 January, instead of the usual second Saturday. This will align
 our meeting with the RSA Data Security Conference in San Jose
 the following week (registration starts on 16 Jan). Many of the
 usual cypherpunk suspects from around the planet will be in town.


 The meeting will be held in San Jose, a few blocks from the RSA
 conference site. Location details to follow.


 Meeting time is 12-6pm, followed by a group dinner nearby from 6-8pm. 

Speakers: (so far...) 

 Cypherpunk Projects: general "Works-in-Progress" session 
 Bruce Schneier (Counterpane) 
 Austin Hill (Zero Knowledge) 
 Paul Holman (Shmoo Group) 
 Adam Shostack (Zero Knowledge)
 Mystery Guest

 More Volunteer Speakers are welcome:
 Send us your agenda proposal (one brief paragraph,
 include amount of time needed, e.g. 5/15/30 minutes).

<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=2000-01-15%20ag

RSA Conference Vendor Expo Free Registration

 The show floor will be open January 18th and 19th at the San Jose
 Convention Center. Onsite Expo registration is $50, but it's FREE
 if you register NOW at: <http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsa2000>.
 Also, you can register for the conference or the IBM gala party
 at that site.

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