I just got email from Warren Agin, of Swiggart and Agin, this afternoon.

Swiggart and Agin has offered to be the first partial sponsor of the EFF
fundraiser we've been kicking around on the DCSB list recently, a direct
result of discussions on the cypherpunks list, and other places, about
contributing money to EFF's DeCSS legal effort. This fit in nicely with
previous discussions we've had on the DCSB list about doing a regular
series of fund-raisers by the Boston digital commerce community for
worthy internet causes.

Obviously, we're looking for more sponsorship money to cover the rest of
the event's costs, but for now it looks like we're really going to do
this thing on some Friday evening to be announced later. Once we get the
rest of the sponsorship money organized, anyway...

However, on the strength of Swiggart and Agin's sponsorhip alone, I'm
going to talk to the catering office after the DCSB lunch tomorrow about
scheduling and arrangements for this event.

Assuming that more sponsorship money's on the way (and soon, I hope; I'd
like to get money to EFF as soon as possible) we're now recruiting
speakers, preferrably those with internet name recognition or, better,
those who have a stake in the case itself, for the fundraiser's program.
Suggestions would be welcome, but actual commitments from people to speak
would be even better.

So, if you, or someone you know of, would like to speak to the issue of
internet source-code as freedom of speech, the right to reengineer code
as basic requirement of internet software engineering, and the other very
important issues that EFF is fighting for in this DeCSS court case,
please contact me directly, in email, and I'll get you on to the program.

The fundraiser itself will be held on a Friday evening, when the dress
code at the Downtown Harvard Club of Boston doesn't require a jacket and
tie, which should come as a relief to some folks out there.

The "price" of admission to this event will be a check, payable to the
EFF, for a suggested donation of $35. Obviously, the more money, the
merrier, but we figure that your donation should at least be the price of
a normal DCSB luncheon, since that's a number the Society membership is
immediately comfortable with.

In addition to a cash bar, there will be complementary hors d'oeuvres.
Those, and the room rental and staffing is what the sponsorship money's
for, so your contributions can go directly to EFF and nowhere else.

The Society is hoping that this event will raise at least $10,000 for the
EFF, maybe more. That means, ultimately, that a lot of people, and their
companies, should be doing quite a bit more than just show up with the
minimum donation in hand to make this work the way we hope.  Fortunately,
we also believe that that contribution goal is entirely within reach of
the Boston digital commerce community, or the Society wouldn't be
committing to do these new fundraisers to begin with.

Again, we'll say more later, like the actual date and time, as we get it
worked out -- and, of course, as the rest of the sponsors sign up.

In addition, if you, your organization, or an organization you know of,
is a candidate for future fundraisers like this one, please let me know
directly so we can see if there's something we can do to help.

Finally, Warren, on behalf of the DCSB membership, I would personally
like to take this opportunity to thank you and Swiggart and Agin for
being the very first sponsors of the very first of what we hope will be
many DCSB internet fundraisers to come.

Robert A. Hettinga,
The Digital Commerce Society of Boston

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44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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