I've agreed to teach an in depth introduction to crypto at Stevens,
which is an engineering school across the river from Manhattan in
Hoboken, NJ. I'm posting this largely just in case someone out there
really wants to enroll in such a course, doesn't otherwise know where
to find one, and happens to be in the NYC area. If this isn't you,
don't bother reading further as you won't be interested.

A caveat: this is going to be much more math oriented and much less
"applications oriented" than some may like.


CS765E: Introduction to Modern Cryptography
Instructor: Perry Metzger
Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:45

This course will survey the whole of modern cryptography.  Areas to be
covered will include: modern conventional ciphers (including Feistel
ciphers such as DES), public key systems (including RSA,
Diffie-Hellman and related systems), cryptographic protocols
(including areas such as Needham-Schroeder systems, blind signature
protocols, bit commitment systems, "Dining Cryptographers", voting
protocols, zero-knowledge proofs, etc.) and techniques for the
cryptanalysis of modern cryptographic systems (including differential
and linear cryptanalysis.)  As the topic is large, the course will
necessarily be reasonably fast paced, and students will be expected to
be mathematically experienced and highly motivated. Although some
background in probability and number theory is helpful, it is not
strictly required and review of these topics will be conducted during
the course. Undergraduates should inquire with the instructor
prior to registration.


I asked some of the folks there if they could give me a URL or two
helpful for someone who isn't a student there but might want to take
the class, and was given this:


Prospective students should *strongly* consider attending the Advising Forum, 
January 13th, 4:30PM - 7:30PM, 4th Floor, Stevens Center Building.  This is a 
one-stop shopping experience.


For directions to Stevens, please see:


Also useful is



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