[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann):

> I was reading an early-80's paper on OS security and it mentioned
> some work from the 1950's on this.  I've heard comments about knowledge
> of Tempest issues during this time from various people, but this is
> the earliest reference I've found in a published article.  If I can
> re-locate the source I'll post a reference to it.

  Edited by Lance J Hoffman of UCB
  Security and Privacy in Computer Systems
  Wiley 1973
  ISBN 0471 40611 2

This book covers publicly-available crypto of the period (looks very weak now)
and "rings" by Robert Graham and civil liberties threats involving data
storage and aggregation.

Page 77
Passive infiltraton may be accomplished by wiretapping or by electomagnetic
pickup of the traffic at any point in the system.  Although considerable
effort has been applied to counter such threats to defense communications,
nongovernmental approaches to information privacy usually assume that
communication lines are secure, when in fact they are one of the most
vulnerable parts of the system.

Page 84
In addition to the spectrum of threats arising from wiretapping, electro-
magnetic radiation from terminals myst be considered.[12]  Electromagnetic
radiation characteristics will depend heavily on the type of terminal,
and may in some cases pose serious shielding and electrical-filtering
problems.  More advanced terminals using cathode ray tube for information
display may create even greater problems in trying to prevent what has been
called "tuning in the terminal on Channel 4."

12. R.L. Dennis, Security in computer environment, SP2440/000/01,
    System Development Corporation, August 18, 1966

Another chapter has (starting on page 101) a section called "THE PARADOX OF
It should be noted that this Memorandum has been purposely written to be
unclassified ... the only background information used is that found in the
unclassified literature ...

So can anyone say whether there are interesting things in that ref 12 ?

# Antonomasia   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      #
# See http://www.notatla.demon.co.uk/                        #

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