Douglas Stinson's book "Cryptography: Theory and Practice" has a short
section on linear cryptanalysis that gives a three and six round worked
example.  This discussion seems to me  about right for an undergraduate

[Unfortunately, its a graduate class, but... -Perry]

Don Davis wrote:

> perry metzger wrote:
> > I'm teaching a course in crypto this semester, and I'm trying to
> > give my students a thorough background on some deeper topics.
> >
> > Can anyone suggest some papers or other source materials on the
> > area to use in the course?
> matsui's crypto '94 paper is pretty straightforward
> for linear cryptanalysis, as is the biham/shamir book
> on differential cryptanalysis (springer).  there are
> earlier papers for both, i think, but these presentations
> give good summaries of the ways the attacks work.  the
> biham book, of course, continues into a lot of detail,
> but being < 1 cm thick, it's still tractable.
>                                         - don davis, boston
> -

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