February 15, 2000

 Copyright Office
Washington D.C.
Via E-mail to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Docket No. RM 99-7A

Comments to the U.S. Copyright Office on the Adverse Impact on 
Noninfringing Uses from the 1201 Prohibition Against Circumvention of 
Access Control Technologies

I believe Title 17 Chapter 1201 radically shifts the balance of power 
between information producers and the public.  Orwellian is the best 
word to describe this law.   I hope it is completely overthrown on 
First Amendment grounds, but I realize that I am addressing the 
Copyright Office, not the Supreme Court.  Accordingly I am offering a 
list of scenarios where 1201, and particularly 1201(a)(1), would 
undermine basic public rights to access and use information if this 
law comes into force without limitation.

The New Iron Curtain
Right now China has its own DVD zone. In the future, other repressive 
governments may insist that media players imported into their 
territory have a unique zone. Such governments may even demand that 
imported players only accept media that has a digital signature from 
a government censor.  As new media device come to dominate 
information commerce, these governments will be able to totally 
control what movies, songs, political tracts, TV programs and news 
stories are available to their citizens. Any U.S. citizen who tried 
to create material that would bypass the censor would violate 

Acid Paper
CD manufacturers claim that CDs will last 100 years or more. Of 
course, no CD has been around any near that long. This 100 year claim 
is based on accelerated aging test, but such tests cannot account for 
unknown environmental factors or subtile chemical processes that 
could reduce the lifetimes.  DVD have been around for even less time. 
Other media developed in the future may not even be designed to last 
that long.  Currently copyright lasts for 90 years or more, and that 
duration may will be extended yet again (we have to protect Mickey 
Mouse, after all). Any library or collector that discovered its 
holding were deteriorating could be barred by 1201(a)(1) from doing 
anything about it until it was much too late. While there are similar 
issues affecting paper documents, there is at least some technology 
to retard the deterioration of paper. Digital media is a complete 

8-Track Tape
Some copyright material may be published on new media that ultimately 
fails in the market place. Libraries and other legitimate owners 
would have no way to play this material once obsolete players wore 
out. The original manufacturer might well be bankrupt.  Other 
companies or organizations would be barred by 1201(a)(1) from 
designing compatible players. A library or other owner that attempted 
to transfer the information to another, playable medium, would also 
violate 1201(a)(1). This differs from any existing copyright 
situation in that here a library might own an intact copy of a work, 
but is barred from obtaining or creating a device to view that work. 
Present copyright law might prevent copying an 8-track tape onto a 
standard audio cassette, but it does not prevent a library from 
building an 8-track player.

Revisionism Institutionalized
In the past when an organization issued a public statement, it became 
part of the public record. In the future organizations can issue 
statements, advertisements, stock solicitations, etc. in the form of 
protected, time limited documents. If the statement proves to be 
embarrassing, inconvenient or otherwise problematical, they can 
simply erase it from their records or even alter it to eliminate the 
problem or to add exculpatory material. Anyone who kept a readable 
copy of the original that would catch their fraud, would violate 

No More John Harvards
Harvard University was named after John Harvard because he donated 
his library to the fledgling college. In the future scholarly 
material will be delivered to each professor in a format keyed to the 
professor's player or smart card. When he or she dies, no one will be 
able to access his or her lifetime of accumulated material per 

Giuliani's Fundraising Letter
An issue in the current New York Senate campaign is whether one 
candidate has espoused positions in his fundraising letters that 
differ from those he has stated in public. The public certainly has 
an interest in know about such behavior. In the future, politicians 
will deliver fund raising material using time limited, copyright 
protected media. An opposing candidate that attempts to introduce 
copies into the public debate would violate 1201(a)(1).

The End of the Paper Trail
Already companies are programming internal e-mail systems to erase 
e-mail from archives after a few months. In the future, companies 
will distribute internal memos in a time limited electronic format 
that can only be played on company computers. The software that plays 
these memos will not permit them to be saved in a neutral format. 
Any employee who tries to do so will violate 1201(a)(1). This will 
effectively eliminate the paper trail that is used to prosecute 
white-collar crime and end whistle blowing as we know it.

There are other scenarios I could come up with: poison pen letters, 
blackmail, extortion, spouse abuse, etc. I fear we will discover 
other, more insidious, unintended consequences of this selfish law.

Respectfully submitted,

Arnold Reinhold

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